From The Philosopher, Volume 102
No. 1
Republican Economics
Twenty First Century Update
By Bryan Blears
I wish
to argue here against what I see as a political drift towards
plutocracy - the rule of the cliques - and in favour of an alternative
political model in which the economy is directed to serve the welfare
of the public. For this purpose I borrow the term republicanism, from
the Latin
res publica (which
literally means, to serve the public).
The word thus captures a series of egalitarian revolutions that have
been a part of our history for as long as there has been leadership.
Indeed, the anthropologist Christopher Boehm describes humans of the
late Pleistocene period 'ganging up on their alphas' to ensure fair
food distribution within the group. It seems that for far longer than
anyone can remember, people have rebelled against their masters for a
fairer and more equitable distribution of the goods of society.
However there is one period of history that exemplifies this struggle
best - the Enlightenment of the 18th and 19th Century. During this
time, liberal writers including Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Paine and
John Locke wrote about 'natural rights', key to them being the right to
private property with an emphasis on individual and economic liberty.
The Freemasonry movement helped to spread these ideas to the Thirteen
Colonies of the now United States, where they blossomed into a
revolution against the longstanding British monarchy. Shortly after
this, the people of France stormed the Bastille and declared themselves
the First French Republic. They drafted a document entitled The
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen', a work that was
monumental in creating the modern idea of natural human rights.
The revolutions of the Enlightenment were opposed to several key
principles; hereditary rule, in the form of the monarchy, and social
disparity or aristocracy - economic imbalance which favoured a minority
group. The feudal societies of Europe were unveiled plutocracies,
societies in which a small elite group were prosperous at the expense
of the public, and so, as generations had done for aeons of unrecorded
history before them, the majority rebelled against the selfish and
detrimental rule of the minority. The rest, as they say, is history.
Even if the monarchical system has largely been buried, there will
always be new bases of power that threaten the welfare of the general
public, and the resistance of this consolidation of power should be a
priority for anyone with an interest in protecting their liberty and
preserving the social order. At present, one of the main threats
consists of the consolidation of wealth by economic entities such as
corporations and the existence of economic alliances, by which I mean
people with a mutual interest in their consolidation of wealth and
assets. Both of these interfere with a fairer, more egalitarian
distribution of wealth.
There are clear lessons to be learned from failed republican movements;
movements which have sometimes failed to secure individual rights and
have even resulted in the creation of new tyrannies. But the idea of an
economy and state which serves the common good should not be a novel
concept to political theorists of the modern world. If governments are
formed and maintained for the good of each person within a society, it
is nothing less than a breach of mandate to let down the people who
depend upon that government to establish and preserve their economic
rights. The true economic right of each person is the right to receive
the fruits of the entire economical system in fair proportion.
Das Kapital, Karl Marx
wrote about placing the means of production back into the hands of the
world's workers. There is no doubt that in this declaration, Marx had
to some extent a republican agenda; rallying against the economic rule
of a minority over the majority. In this respect, the Russian
Revolution of 1917 resembled the previous revolutions of the
Enlightenment which sought to reclaim economic and political power for
the people.
But the left-wing ideology that emerged from the Russian Revolution was
an ideology that undermined certain republican principles. Primarily,
it destroyed individualism and sought to place the welfare of society
as a whole above that of individual members of that society. Similarly
to Napoleonic France, the production power seized from the Tsarist and
Jacobin regimes was simply put to another use - nationalistic
One only has to compare the prohibition of freedoms in both societies,
and the millions of people who were forced into warfare for them to
reflect that following these revolutions, workers were not freed and
the ideal of 'liberty, egality, fraternity' was quickly abandoned.
In these societies, as in socialist Britain for a while, the concept of
labour was promoted, even given a heroic quality. Miners continued to
mine with hunched backs and blackened faces, railways continued to be
laid and industrial capacity was increased - for the benefit of society
perhaps, but not for the individual worker. George Orwell pointed out
the hypocrisy of exemplifying labour for the good of a society at the
detriment of that society's workers.
The alternative economic view presents itself in favour of individual
economic liberty. This
free-market ideal of capitalism seeks to allow the market to flourish
through less government interference: the market would regulate itself,
according to proponents, by the principles of supply and demand. It was
believed that if a company provided a product of inadequate quality or
at excessive cost, shoppers would simply go elsewhere. This simplistic
and sociologically naive concept contributed to the political drive to
deregulate economies during the 1980s, a drive which continues to the
present day (shrugging off the small road-bump of the collapsing
financial institutions for example.)
The flaws of both of
and socialism are already well known, even if, in the present day, we
often find the exaggeration of the latter. In Britain, America and much
of the rest of the developed world too, some areas of the free market
(particularly those of privatised public services) have been conquered
by a handful of large corporations - a state of monopoly that can cause
severely detrimental effects to prices and the quality of services
provided from a consumer point of view.
The problem for
economics is that there is a point at which a corporation becomes so
powerful that it can control the decisions of consumers and thus
undermine the principle of competition. During the process of growth,
companies gain the capital to ensure dominance of their sector of the
market - earning not only economic power in the form of money to invest
in advertising and in buying out the competition, but brand power and
in the case of public utilities, power to control the market through
According to textbook theory, people are free agents capable of making
economic decisions which the market is supposed to adhere to. But the
concept of supply and demand falls apart when, in the case of public
services like transport and energy, demand is a fixed constant and
therefore customers have no choice but to accept the level of service
and the prices that they are given. If cheaper competition arises,
larger companies are able to buy out or outbid them for key contracts,
and they have the economic capacity to influence policy through
pressure groups and scientific research in their favour. We saw this
economic coercion in the tobacco industry of the early 1900s, and it
often may lie to the detriment of the public, as is the case with the
use of corn syrup in foods under the guise of a 'low-fat' health craze
which has swept across Britain, convincing office workers to seek foods
which contain sugar instead of fat.
Another problem with a market that emphasises profit, rather than
public benefit, is the wastefulness of having to rely upon demand to
keep the economy running. Companies are perfectly capable of saturating
the market with new inventions or produce thanks to the ease of modern
manufacturing and logistics, which would cause their profits to fall.
One solution is to hold back some of their produce from the market, a
tactic which was shown in the film Blood Diamond as a way for companies
to keep the price of conflict diamonds high by storing them for release
into the market at a later date. The other method is to create more
demand. This is done by manufacturing new products, often differing
only slightly from their original counterparts. The
iPod was quickly remarketed into the
iPod Nano, iPod Shuffle and so
forth; products which in reality perform the same tasks and are
diversified only in shapes, varieties and colours. This creates a
demand to buy new products where in reality new products do not exist,
fuelling the economy through consumption for consumption's sake.
Although this may increase GDP, it is ultimately an economy based on
sand; however profitable in the short term, ultimately it becomes a
black hole which swallows up resources.
I think that the bubble of free-market capitalism has grown to a
bursting point. An ideological principle more suited to the pioneer
trading outposts, in which each person could form a prosperous small
business, has now become a dangerous orthodoxy of both economists and
politicians. The stark reality of that system presents itself today in
stagnation and monopolisation. While economists of the early 20th
century envisioned a world full of new markets and new resources, and
thus promoted economic freedom as the proviso to economic growth,
modern academics recognise the existence of a post-growth crisis in
which resource limitations and the consolidation of economic power
stand in the way of equality, progress and a fair deal.
It therefore seems as though both the system of socialism and that of
laissez-faire have serious flaws,
one of which is that they infringe the rights of the individual. The
former infringes individual rights intentionally, for the benefit of
society as a single entity, and the latter system infringes them
surreptitiously - it allows non-human entities such as corporations to
possess the economic capital that makes them, rather than consumers,
the holders of economic market power.
The principles of a government which serves the public interest must be
to prevent these two infringements of individual economic liberty.
Republicanism, and the concept of personal liberty, challenges the
inevitable monopolisation of an unregulated market - consumers should
have the ability to choose between competitive suppliers and to possess
the economic liberty to hold the companies that provide their products
or service accountable.
The use of regulation in the market is not incompatible with the
economic liberty that we recognise in the capability to start a
business and make money. It simply asserts the responsibility of
prosperous businesses to use their profits for the welfare of the
public rather than, for example, to fund higher bonuses packages and
dividends to support the lifestyles of a modern-day aristocracy. A
policy of overt regulation of the market also guarantees the emergence
of new enterprise, invention and innovation, by limiting the ability of
companies to conquer the market and prevent competition.
The principle of republican economics is therefore to ensure economic
freedom by placing restrictions upon economic freedom. This is not as
contradictory as it sounds, as long as governments perform their
function of protecting the public from the appearance and consolidation
of power, a function which too many administrations today neglect in
favour of letting the market do as it pleases.
Contact details:
Bryan Blears
Email: <bryanblears [at]>
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