electronic incarnation
of the Journal
of the
Society of England
Articles and Authors
The Philosopher
1923 - 1999
Articles prior to 1995 are not kept in electronic form
and are only slowly being converted for inclusion in the website. Those
BOLD either are or will be placed on the website later this year.
Otherwise, for the very keen philosopher, all articles are accessible to
the at the British Library.
This listing is NOT comprehensive! In particular, most
of the thousands of book reviews have not been listed, exception being
made where the author is of particular interest to the Society, usually
as being an officer or patron.
Volume I, 1923 (3 issues)
Arts in their Relation to Philosophy - Lord Dunsany
How the Philosophy of Aristotle agrees with the Old Testament
[of] St Thomas - C. H. Berry
Myths and Marvels of Astronomy - M Procter
A Return to Philosophy - R. B. C. Sheridan
The Correlation of Science and Philosophy - Professor
A. W. Bickerton
Cosmic Immortality - Professor A. W. Bickerton
The Philosophy of Emigration - Oswald de Blogue
The Philosophy of Miraculous - F. Woodcock
Need of a Philosophy - G. K. Chesterton
Ontological Argument for the Existence of God - C. W.
* * *
Volume II, 1924 (4 issues)
Theory of Knowledge
and Einstein's Theory of Relativity - Professor
Wildon Carr
Biblical Archaeology - R. Boyd Morrison
Cosmic Immortality - Professor Bickerton
Cosmic Immortality ( A Reply)> - A. L. Cortie
Creative Imagination in Mathematical Discovery - T. Greenwood
The Healing Power - H. M. Boulois
Indian Philosophy and the Problems of Today - Jean Delaire
The Mysticism and Theology of Browning - J. Pitts
Milton Agonistes - E. H. Visiak
Philosophy as Love of Wisdom - G. R. S. Mead
The Philosophy of Swedenborg - L. B. de Beaumont
Philosophy according to Individual Understanding - E.
Philosophical Society Notices and Council Report
Study Centre reports from Local Centres
* * *
Volume III, 1925 (4 issues)
Albigenses -
J P Arendzen
Biblical Archaeology - R. Boyd - Morrison
Confucius - J. Rhodes
The Dawn of Empiricism - H. D. Oakley
Mencius - J. Rhodes
Our Ancestors - E. S. Bristowe
Physical Law in Relation to Higher Planes - P. Campion
de Crespigny
Philosophy According to Individual Understanding - E.
The Problem of Evil - R. Downey
Philosophical History of Expansion, towards the New world
- R. H. Murray
The Truth About Mediums - Kelway Bamber
Slavery - J. R. Palmer
Stoicism and Christianity - George Smith
Study Centre report from Plymouth, Devonport
* * *
Volume IV, 1926 (4 issues)
The 'Arnite', Ancient Schools of the Mysteries, a Rejoinder
- J. P. Arendzen
Behind the Veil - T. A. Carmichael
Christianity and Islam - Lord Headlam
Ethical Aspects of Philosophy - E. S. Ritherdon Clark
Meaning of Good and Evil - E. L. Young
Nationalism - Alfred Thomas
The Origins of Spiritualism - George Ryley Scott
Of the Reality of the Unreal - Robert Hoar
Plato - A. G. Sheridan
The Philosophy of St Paul - L. Gethin Hughes,
The Philosophy of Shakespeare - James Rhodes
Rhetoric - Dr Camillo Pellizzi
Socrates - Patrick Braybrooke
Through Matter to Spirit - Col. C. L. Peacocke
VedÅnta Philosophy - Mrs Muirson Blake
The Vocational Ideal in Modern Industrial Life - Leslie
W. H. Field
Address - G. K. Chesterton
Local Centres, Correspondence and Notes
* * *
Volume V, 1927 (4 issues)
A Criticism of an Exposition and Defence of Synthetic
Philosophy - John R. Palmer
A Consideration of Philosophic Thought - Edgar W. Stephenson
A Great Mediaeval Thinker - T. A. Greenwood
Behind the Veil - T. A. Carmichael
Birthstones and their Talismanic Virtues - W. T. Pavitt
Bishop Berkeley and his Philosophy - J. R. Palmer
The Evolution of the Inner Self - R. Champion de Crespigny
Have Proper Names Connotation - A. E. Smith
The Mystery of the Great Pyramid - C. C. Dobson
On the Philosophy of Beethoven - Jessie Field
The Philosophy of Faith - J. B. Jaggar
The Philosophy of Schopenhauer - W. Loftus Hare
Philosophy of Speech - Lylie Pragnell
The Philosophy of Success - G. A. Angus
Rudolf Eucken - Isaac Hartill
Unity and Deity - E. S. Ritherdon Clark
* * *
Volume VI, 1928 (4 issues)
Beginnings - Beatrice Hamilton Derry
Creation in Religion and Science - G. A. Sexton
Deity in the Light of Philosophy and Reflection - James
Iphigenia and Aulis - F. Melian Srawell
Is Happiness the Goal of Humanity - C. E. Nelson
Is a Philosopher merely one with a scholarly Knowledge
- M. Wheeler
Man, the Inscrutable Mystery - H. Hiram Hallett
Musical Quality and Musical Consciousness - Jessie Field
Occult Correspondence of Number - Philip Durham
Philosophy and the Schools - W. H. Cole
Philosophy of Manners - Trevor Thomas
Pythagoras and Greek Philosophy - F. G. Fraser
The Relation Between Music and Architecture - James Rhodes
* * *
Volume VII, 1929 (4 issues)
A Philosophy in Verse - J. Rhodes
The late A W Bickerton - Isaac Hartill
Browning's Philosophy of Idealism - Harvey L. Sherwood
Greece and India - F. A. Young
Greece and Israel - F. A. Young
Imagination And Character - R. A. Raven
Izaak Walton - John R. Palmer, D. Litt
Linnaeus, Prince of Botanists - G. A. Angus
Man, the Great Inscrutable Mystery - H. Hiram Hallett
The Problem of Homer - J. A. K. Thomson
Plato in Relation to Socrates - E. M. Cornelius and reply
by Richard S. Rowe
The Renaissance - J. W. Hartley
The Spiritual Philosophy of Swedenborg - L. Gilbey
The Theory of Evolution in the Law of Karna - Pandit Shyam
Worlds Around Us - R. Champion de Crespigny
Study Circles and Notes
* * *
Volume VIII, 1930 (4 issues)
A Philosophy of Design and Progress - G. Norman Ridley
- Richard S. Rowe
The Buddhist Monasteries of Ladakh - M. L. A. Gompertz
Concerning Epicurus - R. M. Raper
Conceptions of History, Old and New - R. H. Murray, D.
The Eddington Outlook - Ethelbert Goodchild
The Essential Value of Colour - J Dodson Hessley
The Expression of Philosophy in Art - F. H. A. Micklewright
The Existence of Mind After Death - Henry Thompson
Gravitation - James Rhodes
The How and Why of Man - Dr E. O. James
Humanism - G. K. Chesterton (and Others)
Inspiration - Richard S. Rowe
Nietzsche's Dancer - Betha Waber
The Philosophy of Swinburne - J. O. Corbett
The Philosophy of Francis Thompson - Richard S. Rowe
Correspondence - 'Browning as a teacher' - B. Brown Morrison
London Study Circle and Notes
* * *
Volume IX, 1931 (4 issues)
Auguste Comte - F. H. A. Micklewright
A Comment on Philosophy - H. H. Turner
A Criticism of Positivism - F. H. A. Micklewright
Concerning Epicurus - R. M. Raper
Edmund Burke - G. A. Angus
Logic and Grammar - A. Darby
Mysticism - F. Briggs
On the Nature of Images - C. J. Hunt
Our Poets Laureate - Susan Cunnington
The Philosophy of Bernard Shaw - Harold Pollard
The Problem of Religion in the Euthypro of Plato - A.
H. Greenwood
Quality and Consciousness - Jessie Field
The Quest of Truth - Professor Sir Arthur Eddington
Religion and Modern Science - C. E. M. Joad
Religion, Science and Mr Joad - Leslie J. Walker
Social Aspect of Philosophy - Leslie Barber
Trial by Jury - Constance Colwill
The Wisdom of Lao-Tse
Prize Essay and Notes
* * *
Volume X, 1932 (4 issues)
The Analogy of Divine Fatherhood - F. Harold Smith
Buried Cities of Palestine - Edgar de Knevett
Conclusions of Modern Science - Ronald McCorquodale
Grammar as Science of Speech - A. Darby
Mediaeval Philosophy - T. Greenwood
The Philosophy of Robert Browning - J. M. Scott
Philosophies of Evolution - A. Gordon Cooke
Plotinus on Happiness - Jessie Field
Portugal - A Pioneer of Christianity - Professor Edgar
Psychology of the Monks of the Egyptian Desert - Stephen
Swedenborg, Scientist and Philosopher - F. A. Gardiner
Three Essentials of Intellectual Development - M. S. Naish
World Peace (Christianity the Basis) - W. Spender Darby
Zeno's Four Antinomies on Motion - J. Boulter
* * *
Volume XI, 1933 (4 issues)
Art and History - Thomas Greenwood
Baconian Philosophy - Isaac Hartill
Distinction Between Aims of Science and Philosophy - (Prize
Essay) - Cyril Harrison
Epistemology of Mayerson - Thomas Greenwood
George Eliot - Alfred Thomas
Hiawatha, Iroquois Psychology - Lewis Harrison
Imagery - Allan Caws
Mithraism - Alfred Thomas
Pathway to Perfection - Henry Baylis
Personality - H. D. Oakley
Philosophy of Jacques Chevalier - Thomas Greenwood
Place of Metaphor and Imagination in Art - Terence White
Problems of the Soul - Jessie Field
Roger Bacon - Thomas Greenwood
Sublimation of Earth through Industry - Herbert Taylor
Thomas Carlyle - Rose Morris
Tolstoy - Aylmer Maude
* * *
Volume XII, 1934 (4 issues)
Editorials on: Ethics and Citizenship; Logic and the King's
English; Philosophy and the Public; Philosophy in the Schools
Aims and Claims of Analysis - A. E. Duncan - Jones
Analysis and Philosophy: Prof L. S. Stebbing
Civilisation and Modern Science - Prof Paul PainlevÚ
The Dawn of Systematic Knowledge - Prof Charles Singer
Freudism and Religion - Principal T. H. Hughes
Idealism and Modern Physics - Sir James Jeans
Psychology and Education,
Prof John Dewey
International Morality - Prof John Laird
Limitations of English Aesthetics - Lord Listowel
Pleasure and Social Justice - W. T. Stace
in Action - Prof John MacMurray
Reflection and Common Sense - Prof. A. E. Heath
Addresses by Prof J. Chevalier, Albert Gleizes, and Sir
Richard Gregory
Causality and the Existence of God - C. C. Williamson
Dean Inge Evaluates Science - Rev I. Hartill
Humanism and Truth - R. J. Dingle
Ozanon and the Idea of Progress - A. Aubrey
Philosophy of Religion - Prof Denis Saurat
Philosophy of Truth - Rev S. E. Cottam
Psychology of the 'Mass - Man' - P. H. Box
Thought in the Seventeenth Century - M. Roberts
Two Early Upanishads - Shri Purohit Swami
The World View of Bishop Barnes
* * *
Volume XIII, 1935 (4 issues)
Editorials: The Defence of values; Philosophy for All;
The Claims of Formalism; Twenty five years in Philosophy
Birth of Modern Science - Prof. A. Wolf
Collapse of Materialism - G. K. Chesterton
Creation, Idealism and a New Aestheticism - Prof. Gino
Freedom and Progress - Rt. Hon. J. C. Smuts
Knowledge and Action - C. A. Mace
Meaning of Philosophy - Prof J. W. Scott
Principles of the Good Life - Prof W. P. Montagu
Art and Play - Prof Erwin Schrödinger
The Fall as a Philosophical Principle - J. M. Henry
Questions - Prof Moritz Schlick
Volumetaire on Free - will - Prof C. A. Strong
Applied Philosophy - H. G. Taylor
Cosmology of Origin - Rev Frederick W. Davies
Growth of Religious Consciousness - L. C. Loveless
Immortality - Prof E. S. Waterhouse
Indian Philosophy and the Modern World - Mrs Muirson Blake
Philosophy and the Modern Apologetic - Rev F. H. A. Micklewright
Philosophy of Art - Angela Crespi
Principles of Mathematics - Prof G. H. Temple
Rationalism of Maimonides - Prof A. Wolf
The Congress of Philosophy of Prague - Dr Hilda Oakeley
Wisdom of Lao - Tzu - Jessie Field
Courses of Studying Ethics and Modern Philosophy
* * *
Volume XIV, 1936 (4 issues)
Editorial - The Value of the History of Science
Philosophy and Education - Rupert C. Lodge
The Claims of Determinism - C. E. M. Joad
Providence and Free Will - Blythe Wade
The Paris Congress of Scientific Philosophy - L. S. Stebbing
The Dual Ideal of Form in Art - Mariett H. Jellnett
Lecture on the Goal in Early Buddhism - Mrs. Rhys Davids
Appreciation - Ada G. Sheridan
Editorial - The Meaning of Intuition
The New Picture of the Universe - George Temple
Education and Freedom - A. . W. Pickard - Cambridge
The Basis of Morality - Rev W. J. J. Cornelius
Blondel's Theory of Thought - Andre Lalonde
The Principle of Emergence - W. R. Thompson
Editorial - Philosophy and London
Influence of Science - Sir Richard Gregory
The Claims of Intuitionism - Max Black
Descartes - Rev I Hartill
The Purpose of Education - Claudie Willaimson
Aspects of Indian Thought - Edmund Potter
Editorial/Appreciation - G. K. Chesterton
The Concept of Nature - Hans Driesch
The Problem of God - J. C. McKerrow
Philosophy and Practical Life - Arnold H. Kamiat
Value of Religious Symbolism - Mrs. Muirson Blake
Aristotle and Mathematical Knowledge - J. S. Thomas
* * *
Volume XV, 1937 (1 issue)
Philosophers in Congress
A Philosophy of Education - Professor Arthur Liebert
The Nature of Poetry - J. Wolfenden
The Dawn of Rationalism - J. S. Thomas
* * *
Volume XVI, 1938 (2 issues)
Annual Report
Beauty: 'its nature, pleasure and power' - Reverend Isaac
The Need for Philosophy (reprinted) - G. K. Chesterton
Scientific Aspects of Psychical Research - G. N. M. Tyrell
Genius and Discourse - Reverend Isaac Hartill
* * *
Volume XVII, 1939 (Silver Jubilee - 5 issues)
Genius of Milton - Rev Isaac Hartill
Pleasure, Happiness and Satisfaction - Professor John
Light Unkindled by Reason - Rev H. H. Turner
Public Importance of Philosophy - Dr T. Greenwood
Belief and Determinism - Albert E. Albery
Authority in Religion - Rev A. E. Calow
Philosophy and Political Ideas - theme of the Silver Jubilee
dinner in aid of 'refugee philosophers'
Metaphysics of Evolution - J. C. McKerrow
Science and Theory - W. M. Thompson
Ethics and Marxianism - W. Anderson
Body and Mind - Mary Lynch
Science and Social Ethics - Sir Michael Gregory
What is Peace? - Herbert George Taylor
Why Study Philosophy? - A. McDonald Queen
Newton and Royalty - Rev Isaac Hartill
The New President (which is Isaac H)
Notes, and (for the first time!) photos of GKC and Miss
A G Sheridan
* * *
Volume XVIII, 1940 (4 issues)
'GKC' - his place in literature - Rev Isaac Hartill
Reflections on Good and Evil - A. E. Mills
The Scientific and Religious Motives in Philosophy' -
Rev H. D. Lewis
Christian Mysticism. - W. E. Jones
Editorial: 'A notable anniversary'
Professor Victor Monod - An Appreciation - Rev W. T. J.
The Philosophy of Calvinism - Rev Walter F. E. Smith
Wisdom of the Ancients - Rev Isaac Hartill
Christian Mysticism - W. E. Jones
Logical Conflict of Neutrality - B. A. G. Fuller
The Philosophy of Science - T. A Greenwood
Ethical Values - Albert W. Fenske
Dreams - A. E. Mills
In Search of Truth - W. E. Jones
Clearer Thinking - Rev Isaac Hartill
A Philosophical Dissertation on Fear and courage - H.
E. Studwick
Liberty Enlightening the World - Rev Isaac Hartill
Appetites - Rev H. Thompson
* * *
Volume XIX, 1941 (4 issues)
Henri Bergson - Rev Isaac Hartill
Philosophy and Education - T. A Greenwood
Philosophy and the Power of Prayer - Rev Alfred Thomas
The Republic of Plato and the Republic of Christ - Rev
Isaac Hartill
Colour - Rev Alfred Thomas
The Philosophy of the Christian Religion - S. E. Reynolds
God in Nature - R. D. Wain
The World Situation - W. E. Jones
A Philosophy for the Dark Days - L. K. Derbeyshire
The Growth of Ideas - Arthur Shore
Fatalism - Rev Oswald de Blogue
Inspiration and its Expression - John Dove
Poetry of Philosophy - G. D. Mitchell
* * *
Volume XX, 1942 (4 issues)
Truth in Poetry - G. Duncan Mitchell
Emerson: essayist, Philosopher and Seer - Rev Isaac Hartill
The Disarray of Truth - W. E. Jones
Modern Philosophical Conceptions of God - J. Vivian Thomas
Philosophy and Education - T. A. Greenwood
The Literature of Science - Rev Isaac Hartill
Philosophy as a Spiritual Voice - Walter Robinson
The Savage Mentality and Thought - Vernon Brelsford
Philosophy of Plato - Canon S. J. Nisbet Wallace
Aristotle - 'A Recently Elected fellow' - ie Anon
Thought and Its Power - Rev Isaac Hartill
Cameo - Shadows of the Past - H. Hiram Hallett
The God of Reverence and the Absolute of Philosophy -
Rev S. G. McLellan
Aesthetics Applied to a New World Order - W. Gordon Brewer
Scientific Knowledge and Action - Sir Richard Gregory
* * *
Volume XXI, 1943 (4 issues)
The Literary Greatness of the Bible - Rev Isaac Hartill
Hope of Immortality - Rev S. F. Jolliffe
The Ethical Basis of Democracy - Dr Thomas Greenwood
The Place of Music in Education Reconstruction - W. Gordon
Education and Religion - Rev C. Bernard Cockett
The Way of Peace - E. Jones
Providence: An Historical Survey - Professor E. D. James
Hegel - Rev Leopold F. S. Hacault
Revolution from Within - F. J. A. Harding
Poetry of Philosophy - G. Duncan Mitchell
Natural Philosophy of the Ionian School - Sir Richard
* * *
Volume XXII, 1944 (4 issues)
Friendship: Its Philosophy and Practice - John Dove
The Philosophy of Everyday Life - Rev C. Ayton - Williams
Mysticism - G. Duncan Mitchell
Towards a Sane Economy - F. A. J. Harding
Spinoza - Rev Stanley F. Jolliffe
The Religious Aspect of Beauty - Rev E. Carr
The God of Revelation - and the Absolute of Philosophy
- Rev S. J. McLellan
G. K. C. - editorial by Rev Isaac Hartill
Civilisation and Human Spirit - Dr T. A. Greenwood
Humanism: Its Philosophy and Its Failures - Rev B Northridge
The Philosophical Physician and Philosophy - Charles A.
H. Franklyn
Education and World Reconstruction - Dr T. A. Greenwood
Is the Reliability of Belief or Conviction due to Authority?
- Rev F. C. Mann
Diogenes the Cynic: An Extract on Education - A. MacConnal
* * *
Volume XXIII, 1945 (5 issues)
The Business of Philosophy - W. V. Brelsford (also letter
on 'Gone to the dogs')
The Christian Doctrine of Man - Rev George Francis Griffiths
Karl Marx - Rev Ernest Carr
The Psychology of Victory - Charles A. H. Franklyn
Philosophy in Relation to Religious Thought - Rev Percy
Humanism - Sir Richard Gregory
The Attainment of Consciousness - Newman Watts
Is this Dichotomy Really Necessary? - F. A. Harding
A Thesis on Education: Some Lessons from the Past - Rev
J. Reginald Basildon
Personality - Rev A. E. Calow
Music and Religion - F. A. Curtis
The Red Indians of Canada - Rev T. W. Castle
The Origin and Nature of Religion. - Rev Leopold S. Hacault
Philosophical Aspects of Organisations - W. R. Dunlop
Science and Immortality - Rev Isaac Hartill
Origin and Nature of Religion - F. A. Harding
Character - Newman Watts
The Place of Philosophy in World Today - Professor E.
O. James
* * *
Volume XXIV, 1946 (3 issues)
Some Thoughts on American Philosophers - Rev Bannister
Life: the Simple Philosophy of a Physician - Charles Freeman
Of Clothes - Angus MacDonald Armstrong
The Way of the Mystic - Rev GE Richard
Colour Perception - H. B Marton
The Philosophy of the West Indian - Rev H. B. Stott
Scriptures and Immortality - L. M. Parsons
The Will to be Good - Professor C. A. Mane
The Philosophy of Art - Harold Workman
Philosophy of Soviet Russia - John Lewis
* * *
Volume XXV, 1947 (5 issues)
Edmund Burke: man of letters, philosopher and statesman
- G. A. Angus
Revelation and the Word - Rev Canon H. G. England
The Greatest Englishman - Rev I Hartill
Thoughts - W. J. Priestley
Religion and Science - Bishop Heywood
The Nationalist Outlook in Economic and Philosophic Thought
- Cecil Charles Prothero
Worship and Works - Sir Richard Gregory
The Miraculous and God - L. B. Shortt
Man and Animals - Charles A. H. Franklyn
What is Practical Theology? Oswald de Blogue
Kant and the Ontological Argument - Rev P. Burrell
Decadence in History - A. MaConnal Armstrong
G. K. Chesterton - Rev I. Hartill
Philosophy of the Infinite and its Bearing on Ethics and
Mysticism - W. W. Brown
The Psychological Aspects of Folk Lore - Rev J. A. F.
* * *
1948 Volume XXV (4 issues)
G. K. Chesterton - Rev I. Hartill
A Thesis: A philosophical evaluation of the ego - R. Howarth
Life and Plenty of it - John Clee
Consequences of Telepathy - Lord Amwell
Mind, Truth and Freedom - Robert Poots
Nicholas Berdyaev - Judith MacDonald
Editorial: The Philosopher Expands
Plato - Robert Eisler
Three German Romanticists: Fichte, Schelling & Schleiermacher
- Rev Leslie Dunwell
Editorial: Fresh Winds of Doctrine
A Discussion of Modern Existentialism - Robert Poots
Soren Aabye Kierkegaard - G Duncan Mitchell
Origen - Ernst G. Braham
A Note on the Coming of Time - Lord Dunsany
* * * New Series * * *
* * *
1949 Volume 1 (4 issues)
The Role of Philosophy - Bruce Wavell
A Study in the Philosophy of Christian Theism - R. G.
Some Aspects of the Philosophy of Hegel - Ernst G. Braham
The Political Theories of Plato's Republic - Rev Walter
Brief Outline of a Course of Study in Philosophy - Rev
Dr. Ernst G. Braham
The Philosophers of the Garden - Rev J. A. F. Ozanne
Existentialism and a Critic - Cyril Smith
The Metaphysical Poetry of John Donne - C. S. Flick
The Idea of God in the Pre - Socratic Philosophers - Kathleen
Appearance and Reality - Robert Eisler
The Sage of Hippo as Philosopher - Hugh Miller
* * *
1950 Volume 2 (4 issues)
Can Rational Principles be Traced in History - Hilda Oakley
Report on Existentialism - Bruce Wavell
'Great Scott' and Other Descriptions - Robert Poots
The Soren Kierkegaard Society - The Editor
Llewelyn Powys and the Epicurean Tradition - A. H. Degenhardt
Objectification in History - Cyril Smith
The Study of Kierkegaard in Scandinavia 1940 - 49 - Niels
Imperitives, Categoricals and Hypotheticals - Prof. C.
D. Broad
Universals and the Unconscious - Joshua C. Gregory
The Philosophers of the Painted Porch - Rev J. A. F Ozanne
A Philosophical Evaluation of the Research in the Social
Sciences - G. Duncan Mitchell.
* * *
1951 Volume 3 (3 issues)
The Concept of Man in the Greek Philosophers - Kathleen
The Place of God in A. N. Whitehead's Philosophy - Ernest
G. Braham
Beethoven's Last Work - Robert Poots
Review article: A Critique of Logical Positivism
An Examination of the Socratic Problem - Pamela Clark
Philosophical Predicament - C. H. Whiteley
The Scepticism of David Hume - M. J. Levelt
Three Clues to Whitehead's Philosophy and Organism - Joshua
C Gregory
Goethe and Philosophy - Rev Gomer Evans
Dinner in Honour of Gilbert Murray (speeches: Lord Dunsany,
Gilbert Murray, Kathleen Freeman, George Catlin, Charles Morgan, John Anderson
and C. E. M. Joad
Annual General Meeting
* * *
1952 Volume 4 (4 issues)
The Machine Analogy - Leonard Barnett
Causal Complexes and Cosmic Epochs - Joshua C. Gregory
The Role of Consciousness in Emotion - J.O. Wisdom
Comenius:- A Half-Forgotten Worthy - Robert Poots
Religion and Culture - G. Duncan Mitchell
The Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre - Hector Hawton
Philosophy in Education - George Catlin
Weapon of Thought - T.B. Radley
Life, Health and Humour - Seton Pollock
Education in the Absolute - Nina Compton
Philosophy in Schools - Bernard R. Youngman
Annual Luncheon Address - Kathleen Freeman
Induction, Deduction and Hypothesis - Joshua C. Gregory
* * *
1953 Volume 5 (2 issues)
Arthur Schopenhauer - E.F.J. Payne
God's Existence - W. Nightingale Brown
Extraordinary General meeting
Bye-Laws of the Society
Regulations for Examinations
The Nature of Precognition - Joshua Gregory
* * *
1954 Volume 6 (2 issues)
The Annual Dinner
The Annual General Meeting
Existence and Fact - Joshua C. Gregory
The Philosophy of Ethics -Rev. Oswald de Blogue
Aims and Principles of the Society - Rev. Albert D. Belden
The Conception of Man in Objective Idealism - Walther
Creative Potentiality as Realted to Art - E.Parnell-Bailey
and Charles Wye
The Nature and Basis of Knowledge - Claude T. Barnes
The Philosophy of Agnosticism - Rev. Oswald de Blogue
* * *
1955 Volume 7 (1 issue)
Philosophical Aspects of Religious Spiritual Healing -
Jan A.M. Van Moll
Bases of Pan-Existentialism - G. Orzabel D.
Hume's Analysis of Causation - Joshua C. Gregory
Annual Luncheon and General Meeting 1954
* * *
1956 Volume 8 (1 issue)
Awareness of Divinity -A.J. Sinclair Burton
Metaphysics of Sankara - C.A. Pushong
Annual General Meeting
Extracts from Lectures
Articles for Students.
* * *
1957 Volume 9 (2 issues)
Awareness of Divinity (Concluded) - A.J. Sinclair Burton
Milton and the New Incorporeal - Joshua C. Gregory
Presidential Address - Dr. J.A. Hadfield
Annual General meeting
Organic Philosophy - Lawrecne Hyde
Towards a New Ethic - Charles Wye
* * *
1958 Volume 10 (1 issue)
Philosophy and the Common Man - J.A. Hadfield
Eastern Wisdom and Western Wisdom - E.W.F. Tomlin
Philosophy and Common Experience - Leslie Paul
Progress - Charles Wye
The Creative Word - Gordon A. Speedie
The Creative Quantum - Erwin J. Saxl
1959 Volume 11 (1 issue)
New Horizons for Philosophy - Albert D. Belden
Leonardo Da Vinci - E. Viktor Furst
The Goal of Beauty - H.D. Jennings White
Review: The Creative Word, by Gordon A. Speedie
Annual General Meeting
* * *
1960 Volume 12 (2 issues)
Philosophy in the New Era - Albert D. Belden
Sense Perception - Joshua C. Gregory
Primacy of Ideas - Charles Wye
Annual Meeting
Philosophy of Art - Victor Rienaecker
Is the Expression 'Absolute Space' Meaningful - Brian
G. Cooper
Notice of E.O.G.M
* * *
1961 (no issues)
* * *
1962 Volume 13 (1 issue)
Announcement by the President, Rev F. H. Cleobury
The Rhythm of Creation - Sir Harry Lindsay
A Concept of Health - Charles Wye
The Message of the Mystics - Victor Rienaecker
The Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo - V. Rienaecker
The Philosophy of Clothes - V. Rienaecker
The Philosophy of Archery - V. Rienaecker * * *
1963 Volume 14 (Summer 'Golden Jubilee Number', 1 issue)
The Philosophy of Christianity - Sir Harry Lindsay
Some Finalities in the Philosophy of Theism - The Rev
F. H. Cleobury
John Dewey: An appreciation - Victor Rienaecker
* * *
1964 (no issues)
* * *
1965 Volume 15 (2 issues)
Religion or Philosophy - EsmÚ Wynee - Tyson
The Philosophy of History of Ibn - Khaldun - O. K. Ghosh
Man and Nature - Giogio del Vecchio
The Ionian Renaissance - Derek Johnston.
Message from the Council Chairman
Reconciliation and Reunion - A. J. Sinclair Burton
Hegel's Philosophy - Frank S. Kinder
Existentialism - Bernard Wilmott
* * *
1966 Volume 16 (1 issue)
A Message from the USA - R. Bancks Blocher
The Concept of Matter, Mind and God, F. H. Cleobury
Life Hereafter - F. S. Kinder
Reconciliation and Renewal - A. J. Sinclair Burton
A Trilogy on Marriage - F Barrie. Flint.
* * *
1967 Volume 17 (2 issues)
The Philosophy of RenÚ Descartes 1596 AD - Frank
S. Kinder
Spiritual Evolution - B. D. Barnes
Reconciliation - from Retrospect - A. J. Sinclair Burton
Think on these Things - Victor Rienaecker
Challenge to Educators, a University - Gordon A. Speedie
Further Thoughts upon Spiritual Evolution - B. D. Barnes
Early Warning! An important notice from the Council *
* *
1968 Volume 18 (2 issues)
From your Secretary
Four aspects - Bernard Wilmott
Reconciliation: Prospects of Synthesis - A. J. Sinclair
Can We Govern a Runaway World? - Barbara Stafford
Marriage Guidance (communicated)
The Function of Philosophy - Victor Rienaecker
Power and Freedom, part I - B. D. Barnes
Dr. Robinson Explores God - Gerald Ferroussat
* * *
1969 Volume 19 (2 issues)
Secretary's letter
Power and Freedom, part II - B. D. Barnes
Natural Law and the Papal Encyclical - Leslie Paul
Reconciliation: Prospects of Synthesis - part II - A.
J. Sinclair Burton
Spirits Hominis - F. Barrie Flint
Change or Decay - Preb. Henry Cooper
Philosophy and Art - Edgar J. Ford
The Maturity of Conduct and, therefore, a Reflection of
Sanity - M. E. Elsarrag
Order out of Chaos - R. J. Swaine.
* * *
1970 Volume 20 (2 issues)
Editorial: Spirit of Hope for Earth's Predicament, Philosophy
and the Younger Generation - Alan Holloway
Personality - Accident or Purpose? - Peter Were
Right or Wrong? - F. Barrie Flint
Philosophy - Edgar J. Ford
Obituary - Earl Russell
Are all Philosophies but Dreams? If so - What then?, H.
D. Jennings White
The Economy of the Divine Society - Eric Hayman
Thoughts Arising from E. J. Ford's Contribution on Philosophy
and Art -
Afterglow on Bertrand Russell.
* * *
1971 Volume 21 (2 issues)
Yoga plus Man equals Communications Man - Gordon Speedie
The Vedanta Philosophy - Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghose
The Purpose of Philosophy - Alan Holloway
The importance of Intuitive Perception - Victor Rienaecker.
Cartesian Stove Dwellers - Gerald Ferrousatt
Implications of Philosophy on Modern Living - Horace,
C. Savage
A Philosophy of Spiritual Ethic - The Editor
The Verulam Society - Alan J. Holloway
Relativity and Paradox - G. A. Colburn
The Study Chair - F. Barrie Flint
* * *
1972 Volume 22 (2 issues)
Which Wrong will you Choose? - R. F. Dick
A criticism of 'Cartesian Stove Dwellers' - Frank Callister
Jesus' Philosophy of Logic - Arthur Gibson
Heraclitus Now - H. D. Jennings White
Materialism and Formation Body - Spirits, Spirit - Bodies
- Rev Dr. H. Cooper
Thales - H. D. Jennings White
The Place of Thoughts in an Age of Feeling - Alan Holloway
* * *
1973 Volume 23 (2 issues)
Sprong. Anaximander and the Problem of Creation - H. D.
Jennings White
Knowledge and Belief - E. P. Davies
Kant and Causality - Was it Revolutionary Thinking - Brian
D. Grove
Commitments to Essentialism - Keith Dowling
Review: Invitation to Philosophical Thinking - Alan Holloway.
Anaximenes Proclaims the Unity of All - H. D. Jennings
The concept of Education - Peter B. Pritchard
On the Meaning of 'Necessary ' - Keith Dowling
Book Notice: C. A. Mace: Selected Papers - Rupert Judge.
* * *
1974 Volume 24 (2 issues)
Pythagoras Reveals the Structure of the Universe (part
I) - H. D. Jennings White
Justice and the ' Republic ' - E. P. Davies
Identity statements - Keith Dowling
Book Notice: Leslie Paul - A Church by Daylight - Rupert
Plato's Rejection of the Sophists - John W. Sherry
The Being of Having - G. A. Colbran
Theology and Logic of Religious Language - Editor
* * *
1975 Volume 25 (2 issues)
Spirit, Soul and Matter - a note on the Leibnizian categories
- John Sherry
John of Salisbury - J. J. N. Mcgurk
Can we Bank on God? - Gerald Ferroussat.
Portico. Xenophanes (part I) - H. D. Jennings White
Marx: The critique of idealism (part I) - John Sherry
* * *
1976 Volume 26 (1 issue)
Crooked Lines and Bad Men - John Sword
Review: The Vitality of Death - Norman Morris
New Academic Regulations.
* * *
1977 Volume 27 (1 issue)
Personalia, Parmenides - H. D. Jennings White
Ryle on the Category Mistake - Frank Callister
Review: A Dictionary of Philosophy - Keith Dowling
(Jennings White Special issue)
Obituary Dr. H. D. Jennings White - Professor J. MacMurray
* * *
1978 Volume 28 (2 issues)
The life of Harold Jennings White - Marjorie Jennings
The philosophy of Harold Jennings White - Editor
Works of H. D Jennings White
The Powers and Problems of Philosophy - John Wilson
Basic Aristotelian Metaphysics - Charles Turek
Problems Relative to Brain - Mind Identity - Bernard E.
Some useful introductory books reviewed - Norman Morris.
* * *
1979 Volume 29 (1 issue)
A review of the Role of The Philosopher - E. P. Davies
Obituary: Sir George Catlin - Rupert Judge
Ryle on Knowing How and Knowing That - Frank Callister
Aspects of Mental States and Brain Processes - B. E Beater
The Tao of Self - John Sherry
* * *
1980 Volume 30 (1 issue)
Questioning the Unquestioned - The Editor
Action and Identity in the Lao Tsu - John Sherry
Can we Avoid the Conclusion that God Exists - J. C. O'Neil
The Jennings White Memorial Essay Competition
* * *
1981 Volume 31 (1 issue)
Jennings White Memorial Essay Competition
E. P. Davies Empirical Premises and the Identity Theory
- B. R. E. Beater
Action and identity in the Lao Tsu (Part II)
* * *
1982 Volume 32 (1 issue)
issues) Arising in a Materialist Society - B. E. Beater
Taoist Ethics - John Sherry
Utilitarianism and 'Consumer Morality' - Geoffrey Brown
* * *
1983 Volume 33 (1 issue)
Just War Theory - Stephen R. L. Clark
Can Specialisation Damage your Health? Mary Midgley
The Preoccupation with 'Society' - John Wilson and Barbara
The Lion's Share - Michael Bavidge and Ian Ground
Democracy and Freedom of Expression - Peter Jones.
* * *
1984 Volume 34 (1 issue)
Ethics for Lovers - Peter Simpson
Causality, Quantum Theory and Free Will - Edgar Wilson
Descartes and the Obstacles to Knowledge - Rolf Gruner
Gettier and the Sheep - Alison Assiter.
* * *
1985 Volume 35 (1 issue)
Philosophy in Education - Maurice Roche
Is Forgiveness Possible? - John Wilson
Equality and Variable Need - John Barker.
* * *
1986 Volume 36 (1 issue)
The Cambridge Platonists - L. G. Pine
Approaching Philosophy: What Philosophy is Not - J. L.
H. Thomas
* * *
1987 Volume 37 (2 issues)
Rights, Rules and Utilitarianism - William Shaw
Approaching Philosophy: A Sign to the Wise is Enough -
J. L. H. Thomas
Obituary Rupert Judge 1916-1986.
Sociobiology and the Paradox of Egoism - Mary Midgley
Gettier Revisited - Paul Trudinger
In Search of Mellisus - Jon Rogers.
* * *
1988 Volume 38 (1 issue)
The Use and Uselessness of Science - Mary Midgley
Charm: A Platonic Dialogue - Michael Bavidge
* * *
1989 Volume 39 (2 issues)
Happiness and morality - Keith Seddon
Rorty and the Rejection of 'Foundations of Knowledge'
- Paul Trudinger.
* * *
1990 Volume 40 (1 issue)
Brain death: some of the questions - Stephen Murray.
* * *
1991 Volume 41 (2 issues)
Knowledge without a knowing subject - Paul Trudinger.
(Rupert Judge Memorial issue)
Editorial: A light under a bushel
Why it all matters - Mary Midgley
Blame and Free Will - John Wilson
Problem page.
* * *
1992 Volume 42 (1 issue)
Interview with Richard Taylor
Ancient wisdom and Modern Folly - Richard Taylor
Nothing Personal: Ethics without People - J. D. D. Hutto
Thoughtfully - David Napthine
* * *
1993 Volume 43 (1 issue), Anniversary Special
Editorial: Now we are 80!
The Meaning of Life - Richard Taylor
Ethical Dilemmas in Preventive Sentencing - Daniel C.
What is it like to be Nagel? Gregory Mulhauser
A note on the 'Orthodox' View of Personhood - Gavin J.
Gazza's brain - Michael Bavidge
Does the Study of Consciousness involve Conceptual as
well as Empirical Enquiry? - M. J. Phythian
Can Persons Change Bodies? - Jocelyn Almond
How we Should Live - Henry Benedict Tam
Reply to Richard Taylor - John Wilson.
* * *
1994 Volume 44 (2 issues)
Plato and Aristotle on Governance by Self and Others -
M. J. Phythian
What is an Open Society? - M. J. Phythian
Existence and the World of Freedom - F. N. Sutherland
John Harris on 'Wrongful Life' - David Yates
* * *
1995 Volume 45 (1 issue) in this series
On Producing Embryos for Research - Hugh V. McLachlan
How should we Enquire about Nature? - C. W Chan
What does Churchland see that I don't? - David Yates
Reed on the Rocks - David Yates
Where is the Context in Television News? - John Sword
Defining Reality - Geoffrey V. Klempner
Science as the Pursuit of Truth - M. J. Phythian
*** Third Series (dated from 1913)***
* * *
Volume LXXXIII No. 2, Autumn 1995 (1 issue) in this
Socialism from Humpty Dumpty - David Alton
Beauty Lies - Fakes and Forgeries - Jennifer Jenkins
No Two Sets the Same? Applying philosophy to the theory
of fingerprints - Hugh McLachlan
Butterfly Dream: A Revisit - C. W. Chan
* * *
Volume LXXXIV, 1996 (2 issues)
"Chinese" Was Kant ? - Steve Palmquist
Rebellion And the Modern Dynamic - Kristeva Zoe
Aesthetic, Authenticity and the Artistically Valuable: Reply to Jennifer
Jenkins - Martin Gough
and the Myth of the Great Predictor - Steve Davis
Logical Statements Meaningless? - Dr Emerald Gibb with Martin Cohen
An Appreciation: Dr Paul Faunch, Donald Thomson
Philosophy for All - Robert Hill
Value of Philosophy - Martin Gough
or Evil - C. W. Chan
Virtus Dormitiva, ha, ha, ha! - Stephen Mumford
Review: 'G. K. Chesterton: Philosopher Without Portfolio'
* * *
Volume LXXXV, 1997 (2 issues)
(Special 'Consciousness Raising' issue)
The Role of Consciousness in Indian Theatre Aesthetics
- Daniel Meyer - DinkgrÉfe
On the Self - Destructive Nature of Consciousness - Yiwei
Heidegger's early Philosophy between World - View and
Science - Ingo Farin
article: African Philosophy in Search of Identity - Martin Cohen
from a Distance - Geoffrey Klempner
Russell On Pornography -
Frank Lynch, Hugh McLachlan and Christopher Nottingham
and Education in Social Science: A Critique - Hayo Krombach
Can A Scientist Be A Materialist? - Eddy Zemach
the Topics of Being and Consciousness Suitable for Inquiry? - Chris
Naive Metaphysics, by Geoffrey Klempner
* * *
Volume LXXXVI, 1998 (2 issues)
We Not Telepathic? - Michael Bavidge
Out the Zeitgeist - Mary Midgeley
Review: To Love the Good, by Iris Mudoch
Silicon Buddhism: The Buddha in the Machine? - David Webster
Is there Room for a New Elite? - Chris Ormell
Philosophy and Traditions of Enquiry in the Great History
Debate - Robert Guyver
On Humanism and French Humanism - Tom Rockmore
Review article: Liberalism as Intellectual Leadership
- Ashley Frank
Reviews: Humanism:
What's In the Word? and Exploring
* * *
Volume LXXXVII, 1999 (2 issues)
('Speculative' issue)
Matter and Reality - Georges DupÚnois
Critique of DupÚnois' Private Worlds - Steve Davis
The Citizen of Life: Philosophy and the 'Spectrum Theory'
- John Whitten
Review article: The Lost Umbrella - Roger Caldwell
On Being Honest, and the Role of Self-discovery - Darren
The Dissatisfied Generation - Ludwig Lowenstein
Fallacy of the Single, Real Essence - James Danaher
Chisholm and the Criterion Problem - Zenon Stavrinides
101 Philosophy Problems, by Martin Cohen
Philosophy Down Under - Justin Woods
* * *
Editors of the Philosopher
(early years 1923-1948)
Ada Sheridan
W.H.S. Dumphreys
Thomas Greenwood
(Second series, marked by an emphasis on Philosophy and Religion, 1949-1972)
C.S. Flick
Victor Rienaecker
A.J. Sinclair-Burton
(Third series, marked by a return to 'general philosophy' 1973-1988)
George Colbran
Alan Holloway
Geoffrey Brown
(Fourth series, marked by a return to 'academic philosophy', 1989 onwards)
Keith Dowling
Michael Bavidge
Martin Cohen |
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